Giclee Art Buyer Beware

About (Biography)

Patrick Jolly earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Western Michigan University in 1980 with an emphasis in sculpture and a minor in art history. His work was partially underwritten by two Ford Foundation Grants and he received the Walter Enz Memorial Award for outstanding achievement in the field of art in the academic year 1979-1980.

A career as an art dealer began in late 1981 with the marketing of Audubon's 1st edition octavo birds and animals then grew to handling more important works including significant pieces from the following schools: Hudson River, Taos Founders, Ashcan, American Impressionism, American and European Post Modernism, New York School and Contemporary realism. Regardless of the price, be it a $400 first edition Audubon lithograph or a $100,000 oil painting, a curatorial approach is taken.

Patrick Jolly is open by appointment, or chance, in the Colorado building in downtown Denver. With no gallery overhead Patrick Jolly offers a personable and affordable resource for the serious collector as well as the novice. References available upon request.

Geoff Lasko earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting from the University of Iowa in 1977 and Master of Fine Arts degree in Intaglio Printmaking from the University of Denver in 1984. In 1985 he was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts grant for his drawings and mezzotint engravings.

Since that time he has created over 200 etchings and al`a poup’ee inked mezzotint engravings. He divides his time between his printmaking and painting studios in Iowa and plein air painting trips throughout the Midwest, Colorado and Arizona. Most recently he has been translating plein air paintings into full color, multiple plate prints using etching, aquatint and mezzotint plates in combination.

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